6 Reasons You’re Not Reaching Your Goals During Your Fitness Journey

We’re all fascinated by the lean beach bodies we scroll past on Instagram. So, we join a gym, start meal-planning, and meticulously count calories. Despite ample planning, many of us aren’t able to achieve our fitness goals.
Have you been cutting calories, exercising relentlessly, and still wondering, “Why am I not losing weight?” Why aren’t you getting the results you want?
Keep reading for six reasons you’re not reaching your goals during your fitness journey and how to address the problems.
1. You’re Not Consistent
Consistency is critical in all aspects of life—including nutrition and fitness.
If you’re not remaining consistent with your nutritional choices and exercise, you may not see the results you’re working toward. Success is only achieved through day in and day out efforts.
You are more likely to reach your fitness goals if you strive for small efforts done consistently instead of big efforts done intermittently. If you’re only following your nutrition plan 50% of the time or only exercising here and there, you won’t see results.
This is one of the downsides to working out at home. If there is no one keeping you accountable, or you don’t have to walk out of your door to set the intention of working out, you may forego it altogether.
If you want it bad enough, you have to find the motivation and will to work towards a fitter you consistently.
2. You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep
The quantity and quality of sleep you get each night is directly related to your overall fitness.
Have you ever planned to work out one day and wake up lacking the drive and motivation you need to lace up your tennis shoes? Sleep has the power to regulate your mood.
If you don’t get enough sleep at night, you’re also more likely to eat unhealthy foods and crave snacks throughout the day. This is a feeling similar to the “munchies” people get after consuming marijuana. Snacking like this can delay or set back any progress you’ve made in your journey.
3. You’re Sitting All Day
Sitting all day is linked to deaths caused by cancer and cardiovascular disease. The American Cancer Society reported that sitting for a prolonged time is associated with a 19% higher death rate than sitting less than three hours per day.
Sitting all day is also linked to metabolic syndrome. This syndrome including increased blood pressure, excess body fat around the waist, raised blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol levels.
You can’t offset this by working out harder when you’re not sitting. A few hours of high-intensity exercise each week isn’t enough to lessen these risks. So, even if you’re busting your butt in the gym after sitting all day at work, you’re probably doing all that hard work for nothing.
Make sure you’re moving throughout the day—don’t spend too much time sitting at your desk or watching TV. Set a timer and take breaks to stretch and walk. Or, consider purchasing a standing desk so that you can stretch your legs and work upright for a few hours each day.
4. You’re Striving for an Unrealistic Fitness Goal
It’s essential to have fitness goals, but an unrealistic one is just as bad as no fitness goal at all.
If you set a goal that’s too high, your results won’t encourage you to keep going. You may find yourself on the verge of quitting your journey or program altogether.
If you’re just getting started, set a goal that is practical and achievable. Even better, set short-term goals. You’ll feel better as you check the boxes. Once you’ve completed a goal, you can refocus and direct all of your energy to achieving the next one.
It would help if you also kept in mind that all bodies are different. You may not ever look like that bikini model on Instagram or your friend from college with a six-pack. Don’t strive to look like someone else. Instead, seek to find and uncover the best version of you, and you’ll be happier.
5. You’re Incentivizing With Food
Have you ever finished an intense workout and immediately gone to find something to eat? When you’ve burned a ton of calories, your muscles are sore, and your endorphins are high, a cheeseburger and a milkshake usually sound delicious.
You may think it’s not that bad to treat yourself like this, but this is one of the leading reasons people don’t reach their fitness goals. One high-calorie, fatty meal can undo several workouts. For example, you may burn 450 calories during a HIIT workout, but drink a milkshake that contains 1,100 calories.
Doesn’t that make you want to cry?
So, don’t incentivize yourself with food. Find healthier options, or reward yourself with activities instead. You can watch an hour of a favorite show on Netflix instead of eating an entire pizza, and you’ll feel much better afterward—without sacrificing your goals.
6. You’re Exercising Too Hard
Believe it or not, you can exercise too much. Even fitness has limits, and if you surpass them, it may be challenging to achieve the body you’re working toward.
The key to building muscle is letting your body rest. If you’re always working it hard, there isn’t time for your body to recover.
Now, this doesn’t mean you should go for a run one day and then take the next three days off. Remember, it’s all about balance. It would help if you strived to push yourself while listening to your body. Give yourself downtime to recuperate, and your body will reward you with a stronger figure.
They Call It a Fitness Journey for a Reason
No two people will experience the same fitness journey. There will be high peaks and low valleys, intense ups and downs. You’ll run into roadblocks. It may feel impossible to determine where to begin.
But believe it or not, you can get there—and we want to help you. Not only do we offer challenging training classes, but we provide personal training services for a customized fitness experience.
When you’re ready to reach your full fitness potential, join our gym today.