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Healthy Inspiration For The Love of Dance
Zumba has brought great joy, health, mental clarity to Leo Ramirez’ life, and he delights in teaching his moves to...
Covid-19 Safety Precautions at Fitness CF
It has always been our mission at Fitness CF to provide a safe environment for members and staff, but...
Join Us for a SPOOKY Group Fitness Launch!
Halloween is almost here and we want to celebrate by hosting a SPOOKY group fitness launch! This is your chance...
Workout for Water Les Mills Masterclasses at Fitness CF Clermont South!
Les Mills and UNICEF have developed Workout for Water to help make every child’s right to clean, safe and sustainable...
Party in Pink with Zumba!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we want to keep the fight going! Join us on Wednesday, October 9th...